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2012-12-25 00:07:39  来源: 结婚祝福语 
This is the moment, This is the all. Our eyes are tearing, my dear friends, When you walk down the aile. You have found the true love of your life, and your long lonely search has come to an end, So all you have to do is to bring little angels to the world, as many as you can. As the love is all around you, you can sing joyfully like a lark, And give each other all your loving, to light up your way in the dark. So ……….. Stand by each other,be in each other’s arm no matter in happiness or in tears. Stand by each other, when the cold rain starts to fall,and your hearts are fill with fears. Stand by each other, when you are too old to chew. Stand by each other, when you are lost not even God can find you. So love your love, that’s all we pray, With all the blessings,May happiness be with you all the way. God bless you!!
给好朋友的婚礼祝福祝贺词(英文) This is the moment,
This is the all.
Our eyes are tearing, my dear friends,
When you walk down the aile.
You have found the true love of your life, and your long lonely
search has come to an end,
So all you have to do is to bring little angels to the world, as many as you can.
As the love is all around you, you can sing joyfully like a lark,
And give each other all your loving, to light up your way in the dark.
So ………..
Stand by each other,be in each other’s arm no matter in happiness or in tears.
Stand by each other, when the cold rain starts to fall,and your
hearts are fill with fears.
Stand by each other, when you are too old to chew.
Stand by each other, when you are lost not even God can find you.
So love your love, that’s all we pray,
With all the blessings,May happiness be with you all the way.

God bless you!!

  ● 元旦到了;愿你抱着平安,拥着健康,揣着幸福,携着快乐,搂着温馨,带着甜蜜,牵着财运,拽着吉祥,迈入新年,快乐度过每一天!

  ◎ 无论圣诞还是元旦,愿你旦夕快乐;无论冬至还是夏至,愿你福禄双至;无论今年还是明年,愿你平安每年。愿暖暖迎冬至,快乐过圣诞,开心盼元旦!

  ● 元旦来临心情好,风景入目挑一挑,帘卷西风你莫听,夜凉如水你莫察,黄花落地你莫看,没事信息翻一翻,祝你好运连成串,喜上眉梢又一年。

  ◎ 我用香喷喷的手机,给傻乎乎的你发了一条暖呼呼的短信,内有绵绵的思念、柔柔的问候、甜甜的祝福。内容已设置为隐藏,回复“元旦快乐”即可阅读。

  ● 元旦来到,祝福跟到,生活不易,知足最妙,快乐更多,烦恼更少,亲情围绕,友谊拥抱,健康常伴,平安笼罩。祝元旦节日开心时时、快乐天天、幸福年年。

  ◎ 我有一个好消息要告诉你:接下来几天,平安夜、圣诞、元旦节节相连,幸福、快乐、健康、平安紧接而来,亲情、友情、爱情、真情情情相牵,牵挂。

  ● 元旦到了,新年要有新气象,为了更多人享受生活的快乐,你可以把你的钱捐给我,红十字协会感谢您对慈善事业的支持。特送上短信一条,祝你节日快乐,以资鼓励。

  ◎ 我们一起经历过昨天,共享今天,期待明天!新的一年,愿在我的声声祝福里,你能天天精彩,步步平安,时时开心,分分如意,秒秒幸福,元旦快乐!

  ● 元旦临兮,眉目笑兮,身影倩兮,快乐愿兮,信息转兮,幸福传兮,勿忘我兮,友谊念兮,时刻忆兮,牢牢记兮,新年乐兮,呜呼!岂不美兮!新年祝福语

  ◎ 我预定了元旦的第一缕阳光给你愿你健康幸福,第一缕月光给你愿你浪漫依然,第一声鹊鸣给你愿你好运不停,第一个晨曦给你愿你吉祥如意,祝你元旦快乐!

  ● 元旦到了有段子,红红火火好日子,锣鼓喧天庆贺子,欢欢乐乐吼歌子,堂堂正正走路子,潇潇洒洒赚票子,健健康康好身子,年年都是靓样子,幸福快乐一辈子!

  ◎ 元旦来临喝杯酒,愿你好运天天有;元旦有空访访友,愿你开心无烦忧;元旦在家歇一歇,精神抖擞有没有?元旦祝福送到手,吉祥如意全都有!

  ● 卧薪尝胆是苦心;破釜沉舟是决心;愚公移山是恒心;我的祝福是真心,在元旦来临之际,衷心祝愿你快乐幸福,好事不断钱财滚滚来!

  ◎ 元旦临近,愿你财运如沸水升腾;愿你事业麻辣烫般红火;愿你爱情像小辣椒热烈;愿你幸福像汤锅香气四溢;愿你前程像炉火越烧越旺。预祝你元旦快乐!

  ● 元旦的烟花华丽绽放,新年就像一匹奔驰的骏马,驼走了一串难忘的岁月,却奔向一个崭新的华年!我用真心祈愿,愿你在新的一年,红红火火,快乐天天!

  ◎ 我做人比较厚道,做事比较低调,怕到时挤不上祝福你的快车道,挤不进祝福你的人潮,所以先预祝一声元旦好!这可是2012最后2013最新的哦。

  ● 元旦来临之际,提前送上元旦祝福,祝你在新的一年里:事业正当午,身体壮如虎,金钱不胜数,干活不辛苦,快乐幸福浪漫非你莫属!

  ◎ 我是一个大方的人,别人就只祝你元旦快乐,我除了祝你元旦快乐,还要祝你元旦幸福!元旦好运!元旦发财!元旦健康!元旦平安!元旦如意!

  ● 元旦的钟声即将响起,深深的思念已经传递,暖暖的问候藏在心底,真心的祝愿全部送给你。预祝你元旦快乐,万事如意,财运滚滚,一生平安!

  ◎ 我决定率领全地球人,祝你元旦快乐,梦想成真。你以后收到的新年祝福都是我安排人发的,我为人很低调,你知道就行,不要声张,感谢的话就免了!

  ● 元旦到了,在新年里你要牢记三个代表:你是万人迷的代表,你是乐天派的代表,你是福星佬的代表。坚持三个代表,来年你的生活会更美好!

  ◎ 我愿你抱着平安,拥着健康,揣着幸福,携着快乐,搂着温馨,带着甜蜜,牵着财运,拽着吉祥,祝你元旦快乐,天天开心,日日顺心。

  ● 元旦到来,送礼太俗套,祝福没花招,只有祝愿亲爱的朋友们:天天被财神爷骚扰,时时被弥勒佛普照,大把赚钞票,快乐哈哈笑,幸福跟着跑。元旦快乐!

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